These are some of the many books that have greatly influenced our Journey of greater connection with God and others. They can be found where most books are sold on line (Amazon). Will be updating this soon…..

 “Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You”, Jim Wilder- A wonderful book that talks about doing life with Jesus and interacting from the heart. Is well set up to be done in a small group

“Joyful Journey” by Jim Wilder et al. A short 70 page book that walks you through the basic principles of two way interaction/ journaling with God. In the back of the book is a great structure for using this in small groups and practicing together.

“With”, by Skye Jethani- A wonderful book about doing life with God, instead of for him, under him or over him. We all end up adopting one of these four postures. Which one are you?

“Experiencing God”, By David Blackabee- A must read about a foundational shift in how we approach God in prayer, and how to align with God and get behind what God is already doing. This becomes His invitation for us to join Him in His work, and a great way to discover God’s will for your life. This is a radical shift from asking him to get behind what we want to do. A very good workbook accompanies this.